Heating System
Is you heating system not running?
Here are a list of things to check before calling for service.
- Push the Reset Button on the burner (usually a red or black button and location varies depending on the system) hold it down for a few seconds and release. If the unit comes on and stays running, there is no need for a service call. If you have to keep pushing the reset button than call for service. If nothing happens after the reset button has been pushed, continue troubleshooting.
- Check your oil Tank Gauge to make sure there is fuel in the tank.
- Check the Emergency Switch, it should be in the “ON” position (switch is usually located at the top of your basement stairs and has a red plate cover).
- Check your Circuit Breakers to ensure it did not trip the switch.
- If you have a Digital Thermostat try changing the batteries.
Once you have tried and or checked all the troubleshooting ideas above and the unit still is not working, a service call is needed.
NOTE: Heating systems should have an annual maintenance once a year to ensure the system is running efficiently. If a system goes for a long period of time without maintenance then the unit could be plugged. If this is the case, the unit will not run until it’s thoroughly cleaned and free of soot.